what to expect

Worship is at the heart of what we do here at BLC! Everything we do here is nurtured and grown out of our worship. Visiting a church for the first time can be confusing and maybe even a little intimidating! Our hope is that this page can help make visiting a little more comfortable for you.

  • Arriving

    Click on the map to the left for directions. Once here, you will find parking in front, rear, and sides of our property including handicap spaces. We ask those who have no trouble walking to park in rear. The entire first floor is wheelchair accessible. Restrooms are located in the lobby near the sanctuary entrance. Ushers can not only provide a bulletin but also assist with most anything else. 

  • Relax

    We will not embarrass you by asking you to stand up and introduce yourself! We will greet you with smiles and handshakes and we may be a little over-eager to welcome you..but we're just so exited you're here!

  • Dress

    God accepts us as we are - no matter who we are, what we do, or how we dress. We do not have a dress code. Worshipers at Bethlehem wear anything from shorts and tee shirts, to slacks and golf shirts, to suits and ties. Please wear whatever you feel is most comfortable for you in this setting. (FYI, Pastor wears jeans every Sunday!)

  • Children

    We love children in worship! AND, we expect them to remain the wonderful children that God created them to be while in worship, knowing full well that will mean they are sometimes noisy, messy, cranky, and all other kinds of wonderful! However, if you do feel the need for some space of your own, we have a Family Worship Area located at the rear of the sanctuary.  Unlike a nursery setting, parents are able to worship with their children and begin to teach them that this room belongs to them as well. Not to mention, how else are they going to learn? Children’s activity bags are also available, which include crayons, color pages, and other fun stuff! However, if you need a break, a staffed nursery is available too!

  • Offering

    Offering plates will be passed around as an opportunity for us to actively respond to all God has given us by freely giving to support the mission of the church through the ministries at Bethlehem. We certainly do not expect visitors to put anything in the offering plate, but we won't refuse it either! Our work is just too important to refuse any help we can get!

  • Following Along

    Everything you need to follow along at worship is in the bulletin! even the music! But if you ever get lost, feel free to ask a neighbor or an usher for assistance. They'd be glad to help! Another option is to just watch what others do and follow them. Like most good things in life, worship takes practice, especially if our worship style is new to you. It's ok to feel lost. Trust us, we all do at times!

  • Communion

    All are welcome at the table. Like the gift of baptism, its gifts are not dependent on our ability to understand it, and so all ages are welcome. No matter your religious background or personal history, we stand at the table on equal ground welcoming all to join us. When you leave the table, strengthened and nourished, know most assuredly, that you carry Christ within you for the sake of the world. (We offer non-alcoholic wine and gluten free bread.)

    After you have communed, there is also an opportunity to light a candle in prayerful remembrance of someone or a special need. Also, there is a prayer station if you would like individual prayer.

  • Fellowship

    After worship, you are invited into the fellowship hall just across from the sanctuary where you will find coffee, cookies, and whole bunch of other yummy treats, both healthy and not-so-healthy selections! You'll also find a great opportunity to get to know us and have a great conversation! We hope you join us after worship!